The Erasmus+ programme is a programme of the European Union. It was founded with the aims of improving the quality of higher education, introducing a greater European dimension, promoting cross-border cooperation between higher education institutions and facilitating European mobility in higher education. Furthermore, it should promote transparency and the academic recognition of study achievements and degrees in the EU. A central component is the recognition of academic achievements abroad using the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) and financial support for exchange students.
Erasmus+ - Partner universities
Universiteit Antwerpen, Antwerp
ERASMUS-Code B ANTWERP01 Degree programme Business and Administration Language of the lectures English, Dutch Language requirements for application English B2, LLC-Certificate
University Homepage Further information Fact Sheet Universiteit Gent, Ghent
ERASMUS-Code B GENT01 Degree programme Business and Administration Language of the lectures English, Dutch Language requirements for application English B2 required, LLC-Certificate, TOEFL etc. University website Course catalogue Université de Namur, Namur
ERASMUS-Code B NAMUR01 Degree programme Economics Language of the lectures English, French Language requirements for application English B2; French B1 certificate required if French language courses are chosen
Exchange stay-flyer Fact sheet 2025 -
University of National and World Economy, Sofia
ERASMUS-Code BG SOFIA03 Degree programme Engineering and Business Administration, EconomicsLanguage of the lectures English, Bulgarian Language requirements for application English B2 University website -
Roskilde University, Roskilde
ERASMUS-Code DK ROSKILD01 Degree programme Business and Admin./ Economics Language of the lectures English, Danish Language requirements for application English B2, proof of language proficiency required University website Syddansk Universitet, Odense
ERASMUS-Code DK ODENSE01 Degree programme Economics Language of the lectures English, Danish Language requirements for application English B2 University website -
Åbo Akademi University, Turku / Åbo
ERASMUS-Code SF TURKU02 Degree programme Economics Language of the lectures English, Swedish Language requirements for application English B2 required, e.g. LLC certificate
University website -
Aix-Marseille Université, Marseille
ERASMUS-Code F MARSEIL84 Degree programme Economics Language of the lectures French, English Language requirements for application French and/or English at least B1, depending on course choice, certificate required
University website Université Grenoble Alpes, Grenoble
ERASMUS-Code F GRENOBL51 Degree programme Economics Language of the lectures French, English Language requirements for application French and English B2, depending on the course choice (French at least basic knowledge, even if no French-language courses are chosen)
University website Université de Haute-Alsace, Mulhouse
ERASMUS-Code F MULHOUS01 Degree programme Economics Language of the lectures French, English Language requirements for application French B2 University website Remarks: Attention: Bachelor courses only! Université Nice Sophia Antipolis, Nizza
ERASMUS-Code F NICE01 Degree programme Business Administration, Masters and PhD only Language of the lectures English, French Language requirements for application French and/or English at least B2, depending on course selection, certificate required
Remarks Attention: Master courses only!
Please be aware that only Master 2 MAE Direction d'Entreprise (double competence) is opened to exchange students. Master Management Public, MBA and DBA programs are not open for exchange students.
NEOMA Business School, Rouen
ERASMUS-Code F REIMS25 Degree programme Business & Administration Language of the lectures French, English Language requirements for application French and/or English at least B2, depending on course selection, certificate required
University website Fact Sheet 2024/25 Université de Cergy-Pontoise, Cergy-Pontoise
ERASMUS-Code F CERGY07 Degree programme Economics Language of the lectures French, English Language requirements for application French, English; Certificate required for French e.g. LLC certificate, DELF, DALF, TCL, CEFP
University website Fact Sheet 2021/22 -
University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki
ERASMUS-Code G THESSAL02 Degree programme Business Studies, Management Science Language of the lectures English, Greek
Language requirements for application English and/or Greek B2, depending on course choice
Remarks Attention: Bachelor courses only! Athens University of Economics and Business (AUEB), Athen
ERASMUS-Code G ATHINE04 Degree programme Business and Administration Language of the lectures English, Greek
Language requirements for application English at least C1, language certificate required, e.g. IELTS, Cambridge, TOEFL
University website -
United Kingdom
University of Bristol, Bristol
For information on the exchange programme with the University of Bristol, see Partner Universities of the faculty of Economics and Management Programme.
Queens University Belfast, Belfast
ERASMUS-Code UK BELFAST01 Degree programme Business Economics Language of the Lectures English language requirements for application English B2-C1, proof of language proficiency required Course Catalogue Further Information Fact-Sheet 2024/25 Remarks Attention: Bachelor courses only! University of Birmingham, Birmingham
ERASMUS-Code UK BIRMING02 Studeingang Business Sprache der Vorlesung Englisch Sprachvoraussetzung für Bewerbung Englisch Sprachnachweis erforderlich Homepage der Universität Kurskatalog Weitere Informationen Fact Sheet Bemerkungen
nur Bachelor!
Bitte beachtet, dass hier eine Zusage des Fachbereichs nicht automatisch eine finale Zusage bedeutet. Bitte informiert euch darüber im Auslandsbüro!
Politecnico di Milano, Milano
ERASMUS-Code I MILANO02 Degree programme Management Engineering
Language of the lectures Italian, English
Language requirements for application English B2, Italian B1 (depending on course choice)
University website Course catalogue Website for excahnge students Fact Sheet 2022/23 Remarks Attention: Master courses only!
Università degli Studi Roma Tre, Rom
ERASMUS-Code I ROMA16 Degree programme Economics
Language of the lectures Italian, English
Language requirements for application English, basic knowledge of Italian recommended University website Further information Fact Sheet 2020/21 Remarks Attention: Bachelor courses only!
Università degli Studi di Trento, Trento
ERASMUS-Code I TRENTO01 Degree programme Language of the lectures Italian, English
Language requirements for application English B2, Italian B1/B2, depending on course choice University website Fact Sheet 2021/22 Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milano
ERASMUS-Code I MILAN003 Degree programme Buiness and Economics
Language of the lectures Italian, English Language requirements for application B2 Englisch (for Englischcourses)
Remarks Attention: Master courses only! -
North Macedonia
International Slavic University "Gavrilo Romanovich Derzhavin", Skopje
ERASMUS-Code MK Skopje19 Degree programme Business and AdministrationLanguage of the lectures English, Macedonian Language requirements for application English B1/B2 University website Further information -
Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim
ERASMUS-Code N TRONDHE01 Degree programme Economics und Engineering Management
Language of the lectures English, Norwegian Language requirements for application English B2/C1 (proof of language proficiency required for non-EU citizens) University website Course catalogue Important links How to apply , selecting courses, housing and student life, studying at NTNU, Admissions - English language requirements, University of Stavanger, Stavanger
ERASMUS-Code N STAVANG01 Degree programme Business Administration and Engineering
Language of the lectures English, Norwegian Language requirements for application English at least B2 University website Course catalogue -
Poznań University of Economics and Business, Poznan
ERASMUS-Code PL POZNAN03 Degree programme Economics
Language of the lectures English, Polish Language requirements for application English B2 University website Fact Sheet Warsaw School of Economics (SGH), Warschau
ERASMUS-Code PL WARSZAW03 Degree programme Business Studies, Economics and Management Sciences
Language of the lectures English, Polish Language requirements for application English and/or Polish at least B2 University website Course catalogue Warsaw University of Technology, Warschau
ERASMUS-Code PL WARSZAW02 Degree programme Economics
Language of the lectures English, Polish Language requirements for application English at least B2, proof of language proficiency required University website Course catalogue Further information Faculty of Management Collegium Civitas, Warsaw
ERASMUS-Code PL WARSZAW35 Degree programme Business Administration
Language of the lectures English, Polish Language requirements for application English at least B2 University website Catalogue of courses in English Fact Sheet 2020/21 Maria Curie-Sklodowska University (UMCS), Lublin
ERASMUS-Code PL LUBLIN01 Degree programme Economics
Language of the lectures English, Polish Language requirements for application English B2 University website Catalogue of courses in English -
Universidade do Minho, Braga
ERASMUS-Code P BRAGA01 Degree programme Economics Language of the lectures Portuguese, English Language requirements for application Portuguese at least B1 and/or English at least B2 University Website Course catalogue Further information Fact Sheet 2020/21 -
Örebro Universitet, Örebro
ERASMUS-Code S OREBRO01 Degree programme Economics Language of the lectures English, Swedish Language requirements for application English B2 University website Course catalogue and hints for the course selection Karlstads Universitet, Karlstad
ERASMUS-Code S KARLSTA01 Degree programme Economics Language of the lectures English, Swedish Language requirements for application English B2 University website Course catalogue -
Ekonomická Univerzita v Bratislave, Bratislava
ERASMUS-Code SK BRATISL03 Degree programme Economics
Language of the lectures English, Slovakian, German, French, Russian Language requirements for application English B2 University website Course catalogue Further information Remarks Attention: Bachelor courses only! -
Univerza v Ljubljani, Ljubljana
ERASMUS-Code SI LJUBLJA01 Degree programme Economics
Language of the lectures English, Slovenian Language requirements for application English and/ or Slovenian B2, language certificate required University website Course catalogue Fact Sheet 20/21 -
Universidad de Zaragoza, Zaragoza
ERASMUS-Code E ZARAGOZ01 Degree programme Economics Language of the lectures Spanish, English (only little selection of English courses)
Language requirements for application Spanish at least B1, English B2, for English language certificate required University website Course catalogue and information of School of Economics and Business Further information Fact Sheet 2021/22 Remarks Attention: Bachelor courses only! Courses in English Only courses in degree programme Bachelor in Business Administration and Management are offered in English
Courses in Spanish The courses of degree programmes Economics, Finance and Accounting and Marketing and Market Research are offered in Spanish Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid
ERASMUS-Code E MADRID26 Degree programme Economics Language of the lectures Spanish, English Language requirements for application Depending on the course selection. Spanish at least B1, English B2, language certificate for both required, e.g. LLC-Certificate University website Further information Fact sheet 24/25 Remarks Attention: Bachelor courses only! Universidad de Alcalá, Alcalá de Henares
ERASMUS-Code E ALCAL-H01 Degree programme Economics Language of the lectures Spanish, English Language requirements for application English B2 and Spanish B1/B2, for Spanish language certificate required, e.g. UNICERT, CLES, Escuela Oficial de Idiomas, BULATS, DELE or TELC (it is possible to take an exam in situ) University website Master courses can only be chosen from the following programs:
M210 Master in Applied Economic Analysis Spanish, English-friendly
M124 Master in Actuarial and Financial sciences Spanish (non English-friendly)
B2 knowledge of Spanish is required for Master courses
Alcalá offers four-year Bachelor programs. Master students can choose courses from the 4th year.
Further information Fact Sheet 2024/25 Universidad de León, León
ERASMUS-Code E LEON01 Degree programme Economics, Marketing and International Business Special! Language of the lectures Spanish, English Language requirements for application Spanish B1/B2, English B2 University website Course catalogue Further information Fact Sheet 2024/25 Remarks Attention: Bachelor courses only! Universidad de Córdoba, Córdoba
ERASMUS-Code E CORDOBA01 Degree programme Economics Language of the lectures Spanish, English Language requirements for application Spanish B1, English B2 University website Course catalogue Further information Fact Sheet 2023-24 Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC), Gran Canaria
ERASMUS-Code E LAS-PAL01 Degree programme Economics/ Management and Administration Language of the lectures Spanish, English Language requirements for application Spanish B1, English B2 University website Further information Fact Sheet Remarks Attention: for Bachelor students only! -
Czech Republic
Vysoká škola báňská - Technická univerzita Ostrava, Ostrava
ERASMUS-Code CZ OSTRAVA01 Degree programme Economics Language of the lectures English, Czech Language requirements for application English
University website Course catalogue Info Sheet 2023/24 -
Altınbaş Üniversitesi, Istanbul
ERASMUS-Code TR ISTANBU38 Degree programme Economics Language of the lectures English, Turkish Language requirements for application English and/or Turkish B2, depending on course selection University website Course catalogue Further information Remarks Turkish insurance, passport -
Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem, Budapest
ERASMUS-Code HU BUDAPES03 Degree programme Economics Language of the lectures English, Hungarian, German Language requirements for application English B2, certificate required University website Course catalogue Further information Fact Sheet 2020/21 Pannon Egyetem, Veszprem
ERASMUS-Code HU VESZPRE01 Degree programme Economics, Engineering and Business Administration Language of the lectures English, Hungarian Language requirements for application English B2., certificate required, e.g. LLC, TOEFL, IELTS University website Further information and course catalogue Faculty of Business and Economics Fact Sheet 2023/24 -
University of Nicosia, Nicosia
ERASMUS-Code CY NICOSIA14 Degree programme Economics Language of the lectures English, Greek Language requirements for application English B2 at least, certificate required University website Course catalogue Further information
The Leibniz University in Hannover is aside from nine other partner universities a part of the university alliance "EULIST - European Universities Linking Society and Technology" which has a goal to build the long-term strategic partnership.
EULIST Partner - Including Erasmus scholarship
Lappeenrannan Teknillinen Yliopisto (LUT), Lappeenranta
ERASMUS-Code SF LAPPEEN01 Degree programme Civil and Environmental Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Engineering and Business Administration, Economics
Language of the lectures English, Finnish, Swedish Language requirements for application English C1, language certificate required, e.g. IELTS, Cambridge, TOEFL
University website Course catalogue Further information Exchange students at LUT can study courses from either business (LUT Business School) OR technology (School of Energy Systems & School of Engineering Science)
Ethniko Metsovio Polytechnio (NTUA), Athína
ERASMUS-Code G ATHINE02 Degree programme Civil and Environmental Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Information Technology Language of the lectures English, Greek Language requirements for application English B2, certificate required University website Further information -
Technical University Vienna, Vienna
ERASMUS-Code A WIEN02 Degree programme Computer Science Language of the lectures English, German Language requirements for application English at least B1, certificate required University website Course catalogue Further information -
Slovenská Technická Univerzita v Bratislave (STU), Bratislava
ERASMUS-Code SK BRATISL01 Degree programme Civil and Environmental Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Information Technology Language of the lectures English, Slovakian Language requirements for application English B2, certificate required University website Course catalogue Further information -
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid
ERASMUS-Code E MADRID26 Degree programme Civil and Environmental Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Engineering and Business Administration, Economics Language of the lectures Spanish, English Language requirements for application Depending on the course selection, Spanish at least B1, English B2, for both languages certificates required, e.g. LLC-Certificate University website Course catalogue Further information Remarks Attention: Bachelor courses only! -
Czech Republic
Vysoké Ucení Technické v Brne, Brno
ERASMUS-Code CZ BRNO01 Degree programme Civil and Environmental Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Engineering and Business Administration, Economics
Language of the lectures English, Czech Language requirements for application English B1, certificate required University website Course catalogue Further information
Further information
Financial facilities
Office hours of Faculty International Office
- Tuesdays: 10:30-12:30am online via Stud.IP/ BBB (search for „Auslandsbüro / Faculty International Office“ sign in and click „Meetings“)
- Tuesdays: 14-16h on-campus (building 1501, room 101-103)
- Thursdays: 10:30-12:30am on-campus (building 1501, room 101-103)
Head of Faculty International Office

30167 Hannover


30167 Hannover