Remaining places

Here you can find all information about application on available places of the exchange programmes of the Faculty of Economics and Management.

Remaining places can only be allocated up to a certain deadline: For the winter semester until 31.05. and for the summer semester until 30.09.!!

Application and procedure

Instructions for applying for remaining places

We would like to allocate the remaining places as soon as possible. Therefore, the allocation process works according to the "first come, first served" principle. It is also possible to apply for several places. Please send your complete application documents via E-Mail to the international office.

Information about the semester abroad and the application at the WiWi faculty:

Be sure to check the respective information on the application requirements, the documents to be submitted, the required language skills and forms of proof, the application deadlines and semester times, as well as the course options (Bachelor/Master) on the further websites of the respective partner universities.

Please also note: In the summer semester in particular, there may be overlaps with the exam phase at the LUH. In this case, we recommend thinking about possible alternatives.

If you have any further questions, the team at the international office will be happy to help you at any time! You can reach us during the office hours of the international office and by email at:

We are looking forward to your application! Your team from the International Office

Remaining places for the WiSe 2025/26 and the SoSe 2026

Erasmus partner universities (as of January 2025):
Belgium: Antwerpen 
Belgium:  Gent
Belgium: Namur
Bulgarien: Sofia
Denmark: Roskilde
Denmark: Odense
Finland: Turku 
France: Cergy
France: Grenoble 
France: Nizza (Master only)
France: Mulhouse 
France: Rouen
Greece: Thessaloniki (Bachelor only)
Greece: Athen
Italy: Milano (UCSC, Master only)
Italy: Milano (Politecnico, Master only)
North Macedonia: Skopje 
Norway: Stavanger 
Poland: Lublin
Poland: Warschau (Collegium Civitas)
Poland: Warschau (SGH)
Poland: Poznan
Poland: Warschau (Warsaw Technology)
Sweden: Karlstad
Slovakia: Bratislava (Bachelor only)
Spain: Alcalá

Spain: Córdoba

Spain: Gran Canaria (Bachelor only)
Spain: León (Bachelor only)
Spain: Zaragoza (Bachelor only)
Czech Republic: Ostrava
Turkey: Istanbul
Hungary: Budapest 
Hungary: Veszprem
Cyprus: Nicosia 


Worldwide WiWi partner universities, GUEST and EULIST (as of January 2025)
Argentina: Buenos Aires
Finland: Laapeenranta (EULIST)
France: Paris (IMT, EULIST)
Georgia: Tiflis (GIPA)
Great Britain: Bristol (Bachelor only)
Italy: L'Aquila (EULIST)
Japan: Nagoya
Japan: Hitotsubashi
Sweden: Jönköping (EULIST)
Thailand: Chiang Mai

Office hours Faculty International Office

Office hours Faculty International Office (without registration)
  • Tuesdays: 10:30-12:30am online via Stud.IP/ BBB  (search for „Auslandsbüro / Faculty International Office“ sign in and click „Meetings“)
  • Tuesdays: 14-16h on-campus (building 1501, room 101-103)
  • Thursdays: 10:30-12:30am on-campus (building 1501, room 101-103)


International office of Faculty of Economics and Management: