Finance and Commodity Markets

Website of the institute


Our research and teaching focuses on empirical financial market research, the analysis of commodity markets, derivative financial instruments, risk management of banks and companies as well as financial decisions of private households.


In teaching, we provide basic knowledge in the field of finance. Based on that, in the following semesters we deal with derivatives and the teaching of practically relevant knowledge, such as programming in finance or portfolio management. In the subsequent semesters, we deepen the students' knowledge in the field of theoretical financial markets. We also offer seminar papers and theses on all of these topics.


  • Asset Pricing
  • Commodity Markets
  • Derivatives 
  • Risk Management
  • Market Microstructure
  • Household Finance
  • Sustainable Finance

The Institute of Finance and Commodity Markets conducts research in various fields. The focus is on empirical financial market research, the analysis of commodity markets, derivative financial instruments, risk management of banks and companies, as well as financial decisions of private households.

Research results have been published in the journals Review of Economic Studies, Management Science, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Review of Asset Pricing Studies and Journal of Banking and Finance.


Executive Director

Prof. Dr. Marcel Prokopczuk
 Marcel Prokopczuk  Marcel Prokopczuk


Prof. Dr. Marcel Prokopczuk
 Marcel Prokopczuk  Marcel Prokopczuk

Research Staff

M.Sc. Leon Kowalke
 Leon Kowalke  Leon Kowalke
Dr. Tobias Lauter
 Tobias Lauter  Tobias Lauter
M.Sc. Kevin Seebonn
 Kevin Seebonn  Kevin Seebonn
M.Sc. Victoria Voigts
 Victoria Voigts  Victoria Voigts

Administrative/Technical Staff

Susanne Müller-Garbe