Managerial Accounting

Website of the institute

Brief description

In our research and teaching, we focus on the use of accounting information to control managerial decisions. Specifically, we analyze the decision-influencing role of accounting information through incentive contracts, employing game-theoretic models.


Executive Director

Prof. Dr. Jens Robert Schöndube
 Jens Robert Schöndube  Jens Robert Schöndube


Prof. Dr. Jens Robert Schöndube
 Jens Robert Schöndube  Jens Robert Schöndube

Honorary Professors

Honorarprofessor Dr. rer. pol. Utz Claassen

Research Staff

M. Sc. Mustafa Tayfun Türkay
 Mustafa Tayfun Türkay  Mustafa Tayfun Türkay