Dear students
My name is Berit Sellmer and I am the new ‘Head of Faculty International Office’ at the School of Economics and Management. I took over the position in September 2020 from Francesca Cristaldi who will still be working part-time at our office. I was previously employed as an international coordinator at the University of Göttingen and I enjoy very much working in an international student environment. Having profited from several exchange programs myself, I love passing on my enthusiasm for mobility programs to you. I really look forward to the new challenges and to fostering the internationalisation of the School of Economics and Management in Hannover.
Furthermore, Linda Schwarz and our two student assistants Anna and Jesus support the team of the Faculty International office.
We are pleased to offer digital office hours every Tuesday and Thursday from 10:30am to 12:30pm via BBB. Besides, you can also reach us as usual via phone 0511 762 17216 and email
If you are interested in getting more information on study abroad opportunities, feel free to join our virtual information session scheduled for November 25th 2020 at 6pm via BBB.
Concluding with the following quotation credited to Mark Twain, I wish you all the best for your studies at the School of Economics and Management and hope to e-meet you soon.
"Twenty years from now on you will be more disappointed by the things you did not do, than by the things you did. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade wind in your sails! Explore. Dream. Discover.”
I look forward to advising you on your adventure abroad and your study experience at our faculty!
Berit Sellmer