Accounting, Taxation and Public Finance
Data Science and Applied Econometrics [previously: Empirical Economics and Econometrics]
Economic Policy and Theory
Finance, Banking & Insurance
Health Economics
Information and Operations Management
International Environment and Development Studies
Strategic Management

The four-semester Master's Program in Economics and Management offers eight different areas. Out of the eight areas, you choose one as your major area (at least 50 credit points) and one as your minor area (at least 20 credit points). In addition, you can choose modules as free electives from any of the eight areas, totalling up to 20 credit points. The Master's thesis contributes 30 credits to the total of 120 credit points of your Master's degree.
Your benefits
- Free choice:
- Free choice of major, documented on the master's certificate.
- Free choice of minor, documented on the master's certificate.
- Great flexibility:
- All eight areas can be freely combined as major and minor areas.
- Non-overlapping hourly schedule:
- Within each area, there is no overlapping of courses or modules.
- Individual preferences:
- The full flexibility in the free electives allows students to deepen their major and minor studies as well as to extend their studies to a wider array of fields in business and economics.
- English language:
- Five of the eight areas can be studied in English as a major and seven as a minor.
- Free choice:
Language information
Area Possibilities of study in English Major Minor Accounting, Taxation and Public Finance X Data Science and Applied Econometrics X X Economic Policy and Theory X Finance, Banking & Insurance X X Health Economics X Information and Operations Management X X International Environment and Development Studies X X Strategic Management X In the area descriptions you will find detailed information on all modules, including the language of instruction (German or English).
Regulations for the selection of major and minor
Students must complete one major area (at least 50 credit points) and one minor area (at least 20 credit points). The choices of major and minor areas must be made no later than six weeks before the end of the lecture period of the student's first semester. The areas chosen are irrevocable. By written application, to be handed in no later than six weeks before the end of the lecture period of the student's second semester, students can swap their major and minor areas at most once.
An overview of the course of studies is also accessible at the central homepage describing the study programmes offered at the Leibniz University Hannover.
Each of the eight areas combines compulsory modules and elective courses (either free or mandatory). Teaching styles in the electives range from lectures to tutorials to seminars. All courses and their required exams will, for every semester, be announced in the semester plan/course schedule.
For ease of reference, area descriptions summarize all key information in a concise and well-comparable structure.
Area descriptions
How to find modules and courses
The course catalogue of the Leibniz University is available in the HIS-LSF portal, respectively in StudIP when searching for the courses. The WiWi-Semesterplaner includes all information of the module handbooks (learning goals, details regarding the areas of expertise etc.) as well as the updated course and examination information.
Exam Information and exam period
The registration for the resits (16.06.-20.06.2025) of compulsory and required elective modules within the areas takes place during summer term 2025 from 15.05.-31.05.2025.
The registration for the exams of compulsory, required electives and elective modules (21.07.-02.08.2025) within the areas takes place during summer term 2025 from 15.05.2025- 31.05.2025) via the online-platform. The range of curricula of the areas is described in the links below. A late registration after the given deadline is not possible!
In order to obtain further information regarding exam dates during the exam period from 21.07.-02.08.2025, please refer to the respective courses in the WIWI Semesterplaner or to the details provided in “Exam dates and key semester dates”.