Dipl.-Psych. Andrea-Kristin Schubert
Gesundheit als organisationaler Lernprozess - Eine lern- und organisationstheoretische Analyse von Betrieblicher Gesundheitsförderung
- Prof. Dr. Axel Haunschild
- Prof. Dr. Anke Hanft (Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg)
Disputation: 30.10.18
M.Sc. Dennis Eilers
Contributions to Data Analytics Techniques with Applications in Forecasting, Visualization and Decision Support
- Prof. Dr. Michael H. Breitner
- Prof. Dr. Hans-Jörg v. Mettenheim (IPAG Business School Paris)
Disputation: 02.11.18
Dipl.-Ök. André Koukal
Contributions to Decision Support for Wind Energy, Literature Research Processes and Towards a Better World through Information Systems
- Prof. Dr. Michael H. Breitner
- Prof. Dr. Klaus-Peter Wiedmann
Disputation: 15.11.18
M.Sc. Hannes Leonardy
Complex Causalities in Strategy and Entrepreneurship
- Prof. Dr. Christiana Weber
- Prof. Dr. Boris Bauke (Hochschule Aschaffenburg)
Disputation: 21.11.18
M.Sc. Kathrin Sabine Kühne
Contributions to Sustainable Invoicing Processes and Transportation
- Prof. Dr. Michael H. Breitner
- Prof. Dr. Hans-Jörg v. Mettenheim (IPAG Business School Paris)
Disputation: 27.11.18
Dipl.-Math. Oec. Univ. Dimitrios Kostopoulos
The Impact of Sentiment and Ambiguity on Individual Investor Trading
- Prof. Dr. Steffen Meyer
- Prof. Dr. Andreas Hackethal (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt)
Disputation: 20.12.18
M.Sc. Alexander Norbert Schwäbe
Essays on Corporate Tax Planning
- Prof. Dr. Kay Blaufus
- Prof. Dr. Jost Heckemeyer (Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel)
Disputation: 21.12.18
M.Sc. Dorothee Christine Bühler
Household Bargaining, Shocks and Vulnerability in the Mekong Region
- Prof. Dr. Ulrike Grote
- Prof. Dr. Hermann Waibel
Disputation: 10.01.19
M.Sc. Steven Gronau
A mathematical programming approach to model the impacts of sectoral interventions on sustainable development in rural sub-Saharan Africa
- Prof. Dr. Ulrike Grote
- Prof. Dr. Philipp Sibbertsen
Disputation: 16.01.19
M.Sc. Björn Tharann
Predictability and Anomalities in Equity and Commodity Markets
- Prof. Dr. Marcel Prokopczuk
- Prof. Dr. Maik Dierkes
Disputation: 22.01.19
M.Sc. Helke Seitz
Essays in Labour Economics and Entrepreneurship
- Prof. Dr. Susan Steiner
- Prof. Dr. Lukas Menkhoff (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)
Disputation: 30.01.19
M.Sc. Franziska Labenz
How to Create Succesful Customer Experiences? An Empirical Investigation of Drivers and Outcomes and the Development of a Practical-Oriented Measurement Concept
- Prof. Dr. Klaus-Peter Wiedmann
- Prof. Dr. Gianfranco Walsh (Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena)
Disputation: 22.02.19
M.Sc. Janina Haase
Development of a Measurement Concept for Sensory Perception and Investigation of the Relationships with Marketing-Related Performance Indicators
- Prof. Dr. Klaus-Peter Wiedmann
- Prof. Dr. Gianfranco Walsh (Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena)
Disputation: 22.02.19
Dipl.-Kfm. Tim Dominik Hensel
Essays on Earnings Management Incentives
- Prof. Dr. Jens Robert Schöndube
- Prof. Dr. Stefan Wielenberg
Disputation: 05.03.19
M.A. Kathleen Brüssow
Climate Change and Household Welfare in Rural Tanzania
- Prof. Dr. Ulrike Grote
- Prof. Dr. Hermann Waibel
Disputation: 13.03.19
Dipl.-Ök. Thi Hoa Pahlisch
Essays on Vulnerability to Climate Change and Child Malnutrition in Southeast Asia
- Prof. Dr. Hermann Waibel
- Prof. Dr. Ulrike Grote
Disputation: 13.03.19