Abgeschlossene Promotionen im Wintersemester 2015/2016
Dipl.-Ök. Maximilian Rzepka
Kapitalmarktorientierte Bewertung, internationale Rechnungslegung und Entscheidungsnützlichkeit
- Prof. Dr. Wielenberg
- Prof. Dr. Blaufus
Disputation: 16.10.2015
Dipl.-Ök. Friederike Baronin von Haaren-Giebel
Empirical Essays on Educational and Labour Market Integration of Immigrants
- Prof. Dr. Puhani
- Prof. Thomsen (NIW)
Disputation: 12.11.2015
Dipl.-Ök. Johannes Rohde
Essays on Model Risk - The Role of Volatility for the Accuracy of Financial Risk Models
- Prof. Dr. Sibbertsen
- Prof. Dr. Dierkes
Disputation: 12.11.2015
M.Sc. Ernah Ernah
Assessment of Sustainability Standards Among Smallholder Oil Palm Famers in Indonesia
- Prof. Dr. Waibel
- Prof. Dr. Grote
Disputation: 17.11.2015
Dipl.-Vw. Veronika Bertram-Hümmer
Index Insurance, Risk Preferences, and Deprivation in Low-Income Economies
- Prof. Dr. Steiner
- Prof. Dr. Fiala (University of Connecticut)
Disputation: 25.11.2015
M.Sc. Fabian Hollstein
Market Beta and Factor Risk Premia in Financial Markets
- Prof. Dr. Prokopczuk
- Prof. Dr. Brooks (University of Reading)
Disputation: 03.12.2015
M.Sc. Sahra Sakha
Essays on Risk Preferences and Peer Effects on Household Dicision-Making: Experimental Evidence
- Prof. Dr. Menkhoff
- Prof. Dr. Klasen (Universität Göttingen)
Disputation: 15.01.2016
Dipl.-Kfm. Bastian Bösel
Quantitative strategische Planung von Supply-Chain-Netzwerken global produzierender Automobilhersteller - finanzielles vs. operationales Hedging
- Prof. Dr. Helber
- Prof. Dr. Lukas (Universität Magdeburg)
Disputation: 12.02.2016
Dipl.-Ök. Raoul Tarik Hermann
Large-scale Foreign Investments in African Agriculture - Evaluating household welfare effects of outgrower schemes, agroindustry employment and spillovers in Malawi and Tanzania
- Prof. Dr. Grote
- Prof. Dr. Waibel
Disputation: 31.03.2016