Summer Term 2025
The Faculty of Economics and Management offers different courses in winter and summer semester for Incoming Exchange Students of the faculty. If you need course descriptions, please choose your degree program:
Bachelor of Science Economics and Management for summer semester 2024
Master of Science Economics and Management for summer semester 2024
If you need single course descriptions, you can additionally use the so-called “Semesterplaner” of the faculty. Please find an instruction on “How to use the Semesterplaner” in the PDF-File link.
Kompetenzbereich Betriebswirtschaftslehre
(Area of expertise in Business Administration)
Module | Number and title | Lecturer | Time/Place | Examiner | Examination form | ECTS | Comments |
Seminar Business Administration | 273034 | Sönksen | Block course | Prof. Sönksen | Seminar Paper | 5 | The deadline has already expired. Participation in the module must be requested separately. Pre-registration 26.02.2025 via webform, mandatory registration until 02.03.2025. Find further information and the current state via the Seminar-Steckbrief (seminar profile), the website of the institute and Stud.IP. |
271045 | Breitner, Bäßmann, Grützner, Kost, Schwarzbach, Wang | Block course | Prof. Breitner | Seminar Paper | 5 | The deadline has already expired. Participation in the module must be requested separately. Additional registration at the institute until 22.01.2025, 12:00 by sending the PDF-Form. Find further information and the current state via the Seminar-Steckbrief (seminar profile), the website of the institute and Stud.IP. | |
273015 | Dittmann, Prokopczuk | Block course | Prof. Prokopczuk | Seminar Paper | 5 | The deadline has already expired. Participation in the module must be requested separately. Additional registration at the institute until 19.02.2025, 23:59 by sending the PDF-Form. Find further information and the current state via the Seminar-Steckbrief (seminar profile), the website of the institute and Stud.IP. | |
273017 | Braschke, Ewald, Moghadam | Block course | Prof. Puhani | Seminar Paper | 5 | Additional registration at the institute until April 3, 2025, via registration form. Topic assignment via StudIP, greyhound trial (first-come, first-served). Find further information and the current state via the Seminar-Steckbrief (seminar profile), the website of the institute and Stud.IP. | |
271022 | Dierkes, N.N. | Block course | Prof. Dierkes | Seminar Paper | 5 | No pre-registration is required. Preliminary meeting at the beginning of April. Find further information, the current state and material via the Seminar-Steckbrief (Seminar profile) and Stud.IP (“Seminar Kapitalmarktforschung”). | |
273029 | Todtenhaupt | Block course | Prof. Todtenhaupt | Seminar Paper | 5 | No pre-registration is required. If the capacity limit of the seminar is reached, places will be allocated according to the order of registrations in Stud.IP. Available topics will be announced at an introductory session (09.04.2025; 11-12.30). Find further information and the current state via the Seminar-Steckbrief (seminar profile), the website of the institute and Stud.IP. | |
273005 | Kowalke, Voigts | Tue. 09:15 - 10:45 in I-332 | Prof. Prokopczuk | Written Examination (60 Min.) | 5 | - | |
273010 | Kowalke, Voigts | Wed. 18:15 - 19:45 in I-063 | |||||
271052 | Dierkes | Wed. 14:30 - 16:00 in I-401 | Prof. Dierkes | Written Examination (60 Min.) | 5 | - | |
271060 | N.N. | Thu. 16:15 - 17:45 in III-115 | |||||
Research Project | 271043 | Breitner, Bäßmann, Heumann, Schoe | Block course | Prof. Breitner | Term Paper | 5 | - |
273003 | Blake-Rath | Thu. 14:30 - 16:00 in VII-002 | Prof. Grote | Written Examination (60 Min.) | 5 | For exercise-block course: exact dates in Stud.IP. | |
273025 | Blake-Rath | Block course | |||||
Practice Module Finance | 273014 | Seebonn | Fri. 14:30 - 16:00 in I-233 | Prof. Prokopczuk | Term Paper | 5 | Find further information here. |
Kompetenzbereich Volkswirtschaftslehre
(Area of expertise in Economics)
Module | Number and title | Lecturer | Time/Place | Examiner | Examination form | ECTS | Comments |
273034 | Sönksen | Block course | Prof. Sönksen | Seminar Paper | 5 | The deadline has already expired. Participation in the module must be requested separately. Pre-registration 26.02.2025 via webform, mandatory registration until 02.03.2025. Find further information and the current state via the Seminar-Steckbrief (seminar profile), the website of the institute and Stud.IP. | |
273015 | Dittmann, Prokopczuk | Block course | Prof. Prokopczuk | Seminar Paper | 5 | The deadline has already expired. Participation in the module must be requested separately. Additional registration at the institute until 19.02.2025, 23:59 by sending the PDF-Form. Find further information and the current state via the Seminar-Steckbrief (seminar profile), the website of the institute and Stud.IP. | |
273017 | Braschke, Ewald, Moghadam | Block course | Prof. Puhani | Seminar Paper | 5 | Additional registration at the institute until April 3, 2025, via registration form. Topic assignment via StudIP, greyhound trial (first-come, first-served). Find further information and the current state via the Seminar-Steckbrief (seminar profile), the website of the institute and Stud.IP. | |
273029 | Todtenhaupt | Block course | Prof. Todtenhaupt | Seminar Paper | 5 | No pre-registration is required. If the capacity limit of the seminar is reached, places will be allocated according to the order of registrations in Stud.IP. Available topics will be announced at an introductory session (09.04.2025; 11-12.30). Find further information and the current state via the Seminar-Steckbrief (seminar profile), the website of the institute and Stud.IP. | |
272012 | Gruszka, Puhani | Block course | Prof. Puhani | Seminar Paper | 5 | Additional registration at the institute until October 10, 2024, via registration form. Topic assignment via StudIP, greyhound trial (first-come, first-served). Find further information and the current state via the Seminar-Steckbrief (seminar profile), the website of the institute and Stud.IP. | |
272054 | Schröder | Mon. 11:00 - 12:30 in I-301 | Prof. Schröder | Written Examination (60 Min.) | 5 | - | |
272055 | Piehl, Stoczek | Wed. 11:00 - 12:30 in I-332 (Group 1) | |||||
273005 | Kowalke, Voigts | Tue. 09:15 - 10:45 in I-332 | Prof. Prokopczuk | Written Examination (60 Min.) | 5 | - | |
273010 | Kowalke, Voigts | Wed. 18:15 - 19:45 in I-063 | |||||
272074 | Püttmann, Wolf | Tue. 11:00 - 12:30 in I-233 | Prof. Thomsen | Term Paper | 5 | Find further information here. | |
273003 | Blake-Rath | Thu. 14:30 - 16:00 in VII-002 | Prof. Grote | Written Examination (60 Min.) | 5 | - | |
273025 | Blake-Rath | Block course | |||||
272021 | Oliveira, Pizzella | Mon. 14:30 - 16:00 in I-063 | Prof. Gassebner | Written Examination (60 Min.) | 5 | Find exact dates in Stud.IP. | |
272022 | Oliveira | Tue. 12:45 - 14:15 (Exact dates in Stud.IP) in I-063 | |||||
Practice Module Finance | 273014 | Seebonn | Fri. 14:30 - 16:00 in I-233 | Prof. Prokopczuk | Term Paper | 5 | Find further information here. |
Module | Number and title | Lecturer | Time/Place | Examiner | Examination form | ECTS | Comments |
374006 | Lauter | Mon. 16:15 - 17:45 in I-063 | Prof. Prokopczuk | Written Examination (60 Min.) | 5 | Exact dates in Stud.IP. | |
374023 | Kowalke | Wed. 16:15 - 17:45 in I-063 | |||||
378094 | Granthien | Block course | Prof. Piening | Term Paper | 5 | - | |
379021 | Herr | Tue. 11:00 - 12:30 in III-115 | Prof. Herr | Written Examination (60 Min.) | 5 | - | |
379056 | Maffeis | Mon. 14:30 - 16:00 in III-115 | |||||
374048 | Schneider | Tue. 12:45 - 14:15 in I-342 | Prof. Schneider | Written Examination (60 Min.) | 5 | - | |
374049 | Boxel | Mon. 12:45 - 14:15 in I-342 | |||||
373015 | Yu | Wed. 12:45 - 14:15 in I-063 | Prof. Sibbertsen | Written Examination (60 Min.) | 5 | - | |
379000 | Braschke, Puhani | Wed. 11:00 - 12:30 in VII-002 | Prof. Puhani | Written Examination (60 Min.) | 5 | - | |
378090 | Schäper | Block course | Prof. Piening | Term Paper | 5 | - | |
377007 | Seegers | Thu. 12:45 - 14:15 in I-233 | Prof. Grote | Written Examination (60 Min.) | 5 | - | |
377023 | Seegers | Tue. 14:30 - 16:00 in I-233 | |||||
373007 | Gassebner | Thu. 14:30 - 16:00 in I-063 | Prof. Gassebner | Written Examination (60 Min.) | 5 | Exact dates in Stud.IP. | |
373013 | Bomprezzi | Tue. 16:15 - 17:45 (Exact dates in Stud.IP) in I-242 | |||||
379043 | Bomprezzi | Tue. 18:15 - 19:45 in I-332 | Prof. Gassebner | Written Examination (60 Min.) | 5 | Exact dates in Stud.IP. | |
379044 | Bomprezzi | Wed. 18:15 - 19:45 (Exact dates in Stud.IP) in I-442 | |||||
379062 | Zyska | Wed. 16:15 - 17:45 in I-442 | Prof. Todtenhaupt | Term Paper | 5 | - | |
379063 | Zyska | Tue. 12:45 - 14:15 in I-233 | |||||
379038 | Grote | Thu. 11:00 - 12:30 in I-342 | Prof. Grote | Written Examination (60 Min.) | 5 | - | |
375027 | Baßhuysen, Reichert | Thu. 16:15 - 17:45 in VII-005 | Prof. Reichert | Written Examination (60 Min.) | 5 | - | |
374055 | Schneider | Thu. 16:15 - 17:45 in I-342 | Prof. Schneider | Oral Examination | 5 | - | |
374056 | Schneider | Thu. 12:45 - 14:15 in I-342 | |||||
379050 | Reichert | Block course | Prof. Reichert | Written Examination (60 Min.) | 5 | Exact dates in Stud.IP. | |
379027 | Nghiem | Wed. 18:15 - 19:45 in I-342 | Prof. Dräger | Written Examination (60 Min.) | 5 | - | |
379028 | Nghiem | Tue. 18:15 - 19:45 in I-342 | |||||
374010 | Dierkes | Wed. 12:45 - 14:15 in I-401 | Prof. Dierkes | Written Examination (60 Min.) | 5 | - | |
374042 | N.N. | Mon. 11:00 - 12:30 in I-342 | |||||
372017 | Schröder | Mon. 09:15 - 10:45 in I-342 | Prof. Schröder | Written Examination (60 Min.) | 5 | - | |
372018 | Römer | Wed. 14:30 - 16:00 in I-301 | |||||
377011 | Grote | Wed. 11:00 - 12:30 in I-342 | Prof. Grote | Written Examination (60 Min.) | 5 | - | |
379052 | Oliveira, Pizzella | Mon. 09:15 - 10:45 in I-063 | Prof. Gassebner | Written Examination (60 Min.) | 5 | Exact dates in Stud.IP. | |
379053 | Oliveira | Tue. 11:00 - 12:30 (Exact dates in Stud.IP) in I-063 | |||||
379059 | Blaufus, Dierkes, Dräger, Gassebner, Prokopczuk, Reichert, Schneider, Schröder, Sibbertsen, Sönksen, Todtenhaupt | Tue. 16:15 - 17:45 in I-401 | Prof. Prokopczuk | Written Examination (60 Min.) | 5 | - | |
373024 | Toumping Fotso | Wed. 09:15 - 10:45 in I-342 | Prof. Sibbertsen | Term Paper | 5 | - | |
374001 | Prokopczuk, Voigts | Block course | Prof. Prokopczuk | Seminar Paper | 5 | The deadline has already expired. Participation in the module must be requested separately. Registration at the institute (03.02.2025, 23:59), Kick-off Meeting 20.12.2024. Mandatory registration by 07.02.2025 via registration form. Find further information and the current state via the Seminar-Steckbrief (seminar profile), the website of the institute and Stud.IP. | |
373030 | Itzen | Block course | Prof. Sönksen | Seminar Paper | 5 | The deadline has already expired. Participation in the module must be requested separately. Information session 24.02.2025, initial registration at the institute via webform 26.02.2025, binding registration 02.03.2025. Find further information and the current state via the Seminar-Steckbrief (seminar profile), the website of the institute and Stud.IP. | |
373031 | Sönksen | Block course | |||||
374046 | Decke, Schneider | Block course | Prof. Prokopczuk | Seminar Paper | 5 | The deadline has already expired. Participation in the module must be requested separately. Registration at the institute (21.01.2025, 23:59), Kick-off Meeting 20.12.2024. Mandatory registration by 07.02.2025 via registration form. Find further information and the current state via the Seminar-Steckbrief (seminar profile), the website of the institute and Stud.IP. | |
374054 | Decke, Prokopczuk, Schneider, Seebonn | Block course | |||||
373011 | Fitter | Mon. 12:45 - 14:15 in I-063 | Prof. Sibbertsen | Written Examination (60 Min.) | 5 | - | |
373010 | Less | Wed. 14:30 - 16:00 in I-063 | Prof. Sibbertsen | Written Examination (60 Min.) | 5 | - | |
Nonprofit and Public Management: Governance and Accountability | 378083 | Bruns | Wed. 12:45 - 16:00 (Exact dates in Stud.IP) in VII-004 | Prof. Piening | Term Paper | 5 | Exact dates in Stud.IP. |
Operations Research II - Advanced Methods of Linear and Integer Programming | 376052 | Jäger, Klingebiel | Tue. 09:15 - 10:45 in I-063 and Thu. 09:15 - 10:45 in I-063 | Prof. Helber | Term Paper | 10 | Find further information here. |
379001 | Moghadam | Fri. 09:15 - 10:45 in I-301 | Prof. Puhani | Written Examination (60 Min.) | 5 | - | |
377001 | Grote, Nguyen | Block course | Prof. Grote | Seminar Paper | 5 | Exact dates and further information in Stud.IP. Find the current state and further information via Seminar-Steckbrief (seminar profile) and the website of the institute. | |
374027 | N.N. | Block course | Prof. Dierkes | Seminar Paper | 5 | Kick-Off-Meeting expected 03.04.2025 (16.00 Online), binding registration expected 11.04.2025 (Check all dates!). Find further information and the current state via the Seminar-Steckbrief (seminar profile), the website of the institute and Stud.IP. | |
374026 | Dierkes, von Knoblauch | Block course | |||||
373009 | Bomprezzi | Block course | Prof. Gassebner | Seminar Paper | 5 | Mandatory registration 07.04.2025 via E-Mail or in person. Find further information and the current state via the Seminar-Steckbrief (seminar profile), the website of the institute and Stud.IP. | |
373001 | Gassebner | Block course | |||||
378069 | Schäper | Block course | Prof. Piening | Seminar Paper | 5 | Pre-registration at the institute 01.03.-15.03.2025 via webform, mandatory registration 18.03.2025, Kick-Off-Meeting 26./27.03.2025. Find further information and the current state via the Seminar-Steckbrief (seminar profile), the website of the institute and Stud.IP. | |
379046 | Reichert, Schröder | Block course | Prof. Reichert | Seminar Paper | 5 | Initial registration 31.03.2025 until 11.04.2025 (12:00 midday). Find further information and the current state via Seminar-Steckbrief (seminar profile), the website of the institute and Stud.IP. | |
Seminar Health Care Policy and Systems | 375018 | Quis | Block course | Prof. Herr | Seminar Paper | 5 | Initial registration 01.04.2025 until 30.04.2025 (23:59), Kick-Off-Meeting 07.04.2025. Find further information and the current state via Seminar-Steckbrief (seminar profile), the website of the institute and Stud.IP. |
375001 | Herr, Probst | Block course | |||||
Seminar Health and Population | 375018 | Quis | Block course | Prof. Herr | Seminar Paper | 5 | Pre-registraion via Stud.IP until 06.04.2025, Kick-Off-Meeting 22.04.2025. Binding registration until 06.05.2025. Find further information and the current state via Seminar-Steckbrief (seminar profile), the website of the institute and Stud.IP. |
375016 | Herr, Maffeis | Tue. 14:30 - 16:00 in III-115 | |||||
376046 | Nozinski | Mon. 12:45 - 14:15 in I-112 | Prof. Helber | Seminar Paper | 5 | Registration in gthe first week of lectures. Find further information and the current state via Seminar-Steckbrief (seminar profile), the website of the institute and Stud.IP. | |
376048 | Helber | Block course | |||||
379003 | Ewald, Moghadam, Puhani | Block course | Prof. Puhani | Seminar Paper | 5 | Topics via Stud.IP (first come, first serve) from February 27, 2025. Mandatory registration April 7, 2025 via registration form. Find further information and the current state via Seminar-Steckbrief (seminar profile), the website of the institute and Stud.IP. | |
378084 | Funke, Walsh | Block course | Prof. Walsh | Seminar Paper | 5 | Pre-registration via webform 01.03.-15.03.2025. Find further information and the current state via Seminar-Steckbrief (seminar profile), the website of the institute and Stud.IP. | |
379064 | Bita, Gruszka | Block course | Prof. Puhani | Seminar Paper | 5 | No pre-registration is required. Exact dates and topics via Stud.IP. Mandatory registration via registration form April 11, 2025. Find further information and the current state via Seminar-Steckbrief (seminar profile), the website of the institute and Stud.IP. | |
373005 | Kreye | Mon. 14:30 - 16:00 in I-233 | Prof. Sibbertsen | Written Examination (60 Min.) | 5 | - | |
377012 | Nguyen | Thu. 09:15 - 10:45 in I-401 | Prof. Grote | Written Examination (60 Min.) | 5 | - | |
377020 | Nguyen | Thu. 14:30 - 16:00 in I-342 | |||||
379016 | Sibbertsen | Tue. 14:30 - 16:00 in I-442 | Prof. Sibbertsen | Oral Examination | 5 | - | |
377009 | Müller | Mon. 14:30 - 16:00 in I-301 | Prof. Grote | Written Examination (60 Min.) | 5 | - | |
379005 | Nguyen | Tue. 09:15 - 10:45 in I-301 | Prof. Grote | Written Examination (60 Min.) | 5 | - | |
379015 | Nguyen | Wed. 12:45 - 14:15 in I-301 |